Business Communication Questions and Answers Part-17

1. A report prepared in a prescribed form and presented according to an established procedure is _________ report
a) Formal.
b) Informal.
c) Statutory.
d) General.

Answer: a

2. A resume summarizes the following:
a) Strengths and weaknesses
b) Personality
c) Education and experience
d) Hobbies

Answer: c

3. A summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honours and affiliations.
a) Resume
b) Curriculum vitae
c) Application letter
d) Hand-outs

Answer: b

4. A synopsis of the most relevant professional experiences you have for the particular job for which you are applying.
a) Resume
b) File
c) Application letter
d) Hand-outs

Answer: a

5. According to Proxemics (space language), zones are classified into _________ categories
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

Answer: b

6. According to Richard Fitch, in communication process 90% belongs to _________
a) Formal communication
b) Non-verbal communication
c) Informal communication
d) Oral communication

Answer: b

7. Advantage of written communication
a) Save time.
b) Save money.
c) Permanent record.
d) Neat.

Answer: c

8. All of the following are examples of verbal communication EXCEPT:
a) Email
b) symbols
c) Telephone calls
d) Text messaging

Answer: b

9. All the following are principles of business letter writing, except:
a) Consideration
b) Correctness
c) Conciseness
d) Concurrency

Answer: d

10. An Agenda prepared in connection with _________
a) Meeting.
b) Business tours.
c) Exhibition.
d) Personal notes.

Answer: a