Business Communication Questions and Answers Part-15

1. _________ is the interpretation of sensory data so as to gather meaningful ideas.
a) Sensation
b) Retention
c) Perception
d) Cognition

Answer: c

2. _________ is the process of exchanging messages between a seller and a customer.
a) Organisational communication
b) Business Communication
c) Managerial communication
d) Professional communication

Answer: b

3. _________ is the study of body physical movements.
a) Kinesics
b) Proxemics
c) Time language
d) Paralanguage

Answer: a

4. _________ is the wordless form of communication which takes the form of postures, body language ,facial expressions, eye contacts, tension, breathing and tones etc.
a) Verbal communication
b) Garbage communication
c) Informal communication
d) Non-Verbal communication

Answer: d

5. _________ listening occurs when you go beyond what is being said and try to fathom what is not being said.
a) Deep
b) Passive
c) Full
d) Discriminative

Answer: a

6. _________ Means how our voice stress, pause, sigh etc. communicates.
a) Paralanguage
b) Body language
c) Gestures
d) Proxemics

Answer: a

7. _________ means the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting.
a) Gestures
b) Postures
c) Paralanguage
d) Proxemics

Answer: b

8. _________ presentations include talks, seminars, proposals, workshops, conferences, and meetings the presenter or presenters share their expertise, and information is exchanged.
a) Informative
b) Persuasive
c) Image building
d) Decision making

Answer: a

9. _________ refers to mental disturbances
a) Coherence
b) Notion
c) Distraction
d) Psychological noise

Answer: c

10. _________ refers to the amount of space that individuals naturally maintain between each other.
a) Chronemics
b) Gestures
c) Proxemics
d) None of these.

Answer: c