Human Resource Management Questions and Answers Part-17

1. Method of job evaluation which ranks the employees from highest to the lowest levels ______________
a) Ranking method
b) Scoring method
c) Analytical method
d) Average method

Answer: a

2. The employment contract provides a set of rights, responsibilities and obligations that structure the behavior of whom?
a) Both parties
b) The employee.
c) The employer
d) Trade unions

Answer: a

3. Method of publicising the job openings is _____________
a) Job scheduling
b) Job hiring
c) Job posting
d) Staffing

Answer: c

4. Enriching jobs create
a) Halo effect
b) Snowball effect
c) negative effect
d) positive effect

Answer: b

5. timescale for performance appraisals are usuall ______________
a) One year.
b) Biannually.
c) 3 monthly.
d) At irregular intervals.

Answer: a

6. ______________ indicates type of people required.
a) Training plan
b) Recruitment plan
c) Retention plan
d) Deployment plan

Answer: b

7. ______________ interview in which candidate is allowed to speak his mind freely.
a) Non directed
b) Structured
c) Formal
d) Depth

Answer: a

8. . Industrial relation include ______________.
a) Labour relation.
b) Public relation.
c) Customer relation.
d) Labour, customer & public relation

Answer: b

9. what creates an advancement with an organization?
a) Demotion.
b) Promotion.
c) Transfer.
d) Redemote.

Answer: b

10. Identify the retirement benefit form the following?
a) Wages
b) Bonus.
c) Incentive.
d) Gratuity

Answer: d