Human Resource Management Questions and Answers Part-8

1. WAB's Refers to ______________
a) Weighted allotment blanks
b) Weighted application blanks
c) Weighted average blanks
d) Weighted assimilation blanks

Answer: b

2. In the time organization, the authority flow and from ______________.
a) top to bottom
b) bottom to top
c) left to right
d) right to left

Answer: d

3. Halo Effect is related with ______________.
a) performance appraisal
b) wage & salary administration
c) selection
d) transfer

Answer: c

4. Whatever an individual does, there is always some amount of ______________ on him
a) satisfaction
b) stress
c) profit
d) benefit

Answer: b

5. Adding more responsibilities, autonomy and control of a job ______________
a) Job enrichment
b) Jod design
c) Job requirement
d) Job analysis

Answer: a

6. Movement of an employee from a low level to the higher level is ______________
a) Transfer
b) Promotion
c) Rotation
d) Shifting

Answer: b

7. A kind of future oriented training ______________
a) Employee training
b) Employee development
c) Employability
d) Employee potential

Answer: b

8. Picking up suitable candidates by rejecting the unsuitable ______________
a) Recruitment
b) Training
c) Selection
d) Development

Answer: c

9. Violation of established rules ______________
a) Misconduct
b) Dismissal
c) Memo
d) Bad behaviour

Answer: a

10. ______________ is a worker oriented job analysis.
a) Functional Job analysis
b) Job description
c) Job analysis
d) Job seeking

Answer: a