Human Resource Management Questions and Answers Part-9

1. Manager represents his organization or unit while interacting with outsiders is called as ______________.
a) Disseminator role
b) Spokes person
c) Resource allocator
d) Entrepreneur role

Answer: b

2. A test interprets problems or situations for employees is ______________
a) Projective tests
b) Interest tests
c) Preference tests
d) Simulation tests

Answer: a

3. Oral examination of candidates for employment is ______________
a) Placement
b) Screening
c) Interview
d) Selection

Answer: c

4. HR plans should be ______________ with the corporate plans of the enterprise.
a) Balanced
b) Not related
c) Mixed
d) Not balanced

Answer: a

5. ______________ interview is a type of interview which is pre planned and is held in a formal atmosphere.
a) Informal
b) Patterned
c) Formal
d) Structured

Answer: b

6. ______________ method of job evaluation is otherwise called classification method
a) Silent
b) College
c) Grading
d) Home

Answer: c

7. When the organization gives option to its employees to retire even before superannuation it is called ______________.
a) Forced retirement.
b) Compulsory retirements.
c) Voluntary retirement.
d) Premature retirement.

Answer: a

8. What helps for the exchange of ideas, facts, opinions or emotions between two or more persons?
a) Communication
b) Written communication.
c) Upward communication
d) Downward communication.

Answer: a

9. Businessmen could get an opportunity to earn huge profits as the cost of ______________.
a) Employee.
b) Employee & employer.
c) employer
d) Superior.

Answer: a

10. It is intended to reveal what is actually done opposed to what should be done.what is this?
a) Job Specification.
b) Job Evaluation.
c) Job Description.
d) Job Analysis.

Answer: c