Human Resource Management Questions and Answers Part-10

1. Performance appraisal refers to ______________ of an employee
a) training.
b) placement.
c) assessment.
d) induction.

Answer: c

2. A group of persons in an organization for making or recommending certain decisions is ______________ termed as ______________.
a) Committee
b) Formal Group
c) Task Group
d) Performing Group

Answer: a

3. When expectation about a persons role in the group contradict one another, it becomes?
a) Down Ward Conflict
b) Up Ward Conflict
c) Role Conflict
d) Role Ambiquity

Answer: c

4. A group created by management to accomplish certain organizational goal is called as ______________.
a) Performance group.
b) Task group.
c) Prime group.
d) in group.

Answer: b

5. Human Resource Planning is ______________ Looking function
a) Forward
b) Backward
c) Simple
d) Cross

Answer: a

6. A lateral movement within the same grade from one job to another
a) Promotion
b) Transfer
c) Recruitment
d) Retrenchment

Answer: b

7. The ratio of an organisation's outputs to inputs
a) Productivity
b) Re engineering
c) Achievement
d) Integration

Answer: a

8. Employees can be appraisal against ______________.
a) Relative standards
b) Objective
c) Absolute standard
d) Group

Answer: a

9. Traditional and direct method of instruction ______________
a) Programme
b) Demonstration
c) Lecture
d) Role playing

Answer: c

10. ______________ is the tendency of highly cohesive groups to value consensus at the price of decision quality:
a) Group think
b) Group process
c) Group norm
d) Group development

Answer: a