Microprocessor Questions and Answers Part-7

1. In the instruction, ASSUME CS : CODE, DS : DATA, SS : STACK
the ASSUME directive directs to the assembler the
a) address of the stack segment
b) pointer address of the stack segment
c) name of the stack segment
d) name of the stack, code and data segments

Answer: d
Explanation: The directive ASSUME facilitates to name the segments with the desired name that is not a mnemonic or keyword.

2. When a stack segment is initialised then
a) SS and SP are initialised
b) only SS is initialised
c) only SP is initialised
d) SS and SP need not be initialised

Answer: a
Explanation: Though the Stack segment is initialised, the SS and SP pointers must be initialised.

3. The number of PUSH instructions and POP instructions in a subroutine must be
a) PUSH instructions must be greater than POP instructions
b) POP instructions must be greater than PUSH instructions
c) Both must be equal
d) Instructions may be any kind

Answer: c
Explanation: The number of PUSH instructions must be equal to the number of POP instructions.

4. 8086 does not support
a) Arithmetic operations
b) logical operations
c) BCD operations
d) Direct BCD packed multiplication

Answer: d
Explanation: The 8086 microprocessor does not support direct BCD packed operations.

5. For 8086 microprocessor, the stack segment may have a memory block of a maximum of
a) 32K bytes
b) 64K bytes
c) 16K bytes

Answer: b
Explanation: In 8086 microprocessor, the memory segments each have a memory of 64K bytes.

6. If an interrupt is generated from outside the processor then it is an
a) internal interrupt
b) external interrupt
c) interrupt
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: If an external device or a signal interrupts the processor from outside then it is an external interrupt.

7. If the interrupt is generated by the execution of an interrupt instruction then it is
a) internal interrupt
b) external interrupt
c) interrupt-in-interrupt
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: The internal interrupt is generated internally by the processor circuit or by the execution of an interrupt instruction.

8. Example of an external interrupt is
a) divide by zero interrupt
b) keyboard interrupt
c) overflow interrupt
d) type2 interrupt

Answer: b
Explanation: Since the keyboard is external to the processor, it is an external interrupt

9. Example of an internal interrupt is
a) divide by zero interrupt
b) overflow interrupt
c) interrupt due to INT
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Since the interrupts occur within the processor itself, they are called internal interrupts.

10. The interrupt request that is independent of IF flag is
a) NMI
c) Divide by zero
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: These requests are independent of IF flag.