Microprocessor Questions and Answers Part-6

1. The listing file is identified by
a) source file name
b) extension .LSF
c) source file name and an extension .LSF
d) source file name and an extension .LST

Answer: d
Explanation: The listing file is automatically generated in the assembly process and is identified by the entered or source file name and an extension .LST.

2. The extension file that is must for a file to be accepted by the LINK as a valid object file is
a) .OBJ file
b) .EXE file
c) .MASM file
d) .DEBUG file

Answer: a
Explanation: The .OBJ extension is a must for a file to be accepted by the LINK as a valid object file.

3. The listing file contains
a) total offset map of a source file
b) offset address and labels
c) memory allotments for different labels
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: The listing file contains total offset map of source file including labels, offset addresses, opcodes, memory allotments for different directives and labels and relocation information.

4. DEBUG.COM facilitates the
a) debugging
b) trouble shooting
c) debugging and trouble shooting
d) debugging and assembling

Answer: c
Explanation: DEBUG.COM is a DOS utility that facilitates the debugging and trouble shooting.

5. DEBUG is able to troubleshoot only
a) .EXE files
b) .OBJ files
c) .EXE file and .OBJ file
d) .EXE flie and .LST file

Answer: a
Explanation: The DEBUG may be used either to debug a source program or to observe the results of execution of an .EXE file.

6. The stack pointer register contains
a) address of the stack segment
b) pointer address of the stack segment
c) offset of address of stack segment
d) data present in the stack segment

Answer: c
Explanation: The stack pointer register contains the offset of the address of the stack segment.

7. The stack segment register contains
a) address of the stack segment
b) base address of the stack segment
c) pointer address of the stack segment
d) data in the stack segment

Answer: b
Explanation: The stack segment register contains base address of the stack segment in the memory. The stack pointer register (sP) and stack segment register (SS) together address the stack-top.

8. PUSH operation
a) decrements SP
b) increments SP
c) decrements SS
d) increments SS

Answer: a
Explanation: Each PUSH operation decrements the SP ( Stack Pointer) register.

9. POP operation
a) decrements SP
b) increments SP
c) decrements SS
d) increments SS

Answer: b
Explanation: Each POP operation increments the SP ( Stack Pointer) register.

10. The register or memory location that is pushed into the stack at the end must be
a) popped off last
b) pushed off first
c) popped off first
d) pushed off last

Answer: c
Explanation: The data can be retrieved by POP operation and as in stack, the data that is pushed at the end must be popped off first.