Anatomy Questions and Answers Part-8

1. The epiphysis of the upper end of tibia receives the attachment of:
a) Ligamentum patellae
b) Fibular collateral ligament
c) Sartorius
d) Popliteus

Answer: a

2. The superficial peroneal nerve supplies:
a) Peroneus longus and brevis
b) Peroneus tertius
c) Tibialis anterior
d) Flexor digitorum longus

Answer: a

3. Articulates with head of talus:
a) Navicular
b) Medial cuneiform
c) Intermediate cuneiform
d) Cuboid

Answer: a

4. The following bones enter the medial longitudinal arch of the foot except:
a) Talus
b) Calcaneus
c) Navicular
d) Cuboid

Answer: d

5. Structure closest to the skin of the sole:
a) Flexor digitorum brevis
b) Quadratus plantae
c) Plantar aponeurosis
d) Short plantar ligament

Answer: c

6. Sesamoid bones in the foot are found in:
a) Flexor hallucis longus
b) Flexor hallucis brevis
c) Flexor digitorum longus
d) Quadratus plantae

Answer: b

7. The talus provides origin for:
a) Extensor digitorum brevis
b) Quadratus plantae
c) Flexor hallucis longus
d) None of the above

Answer: d

8. The medial plantar nerve:
a) Supplies cutaneous branches to 3½ toes
b) Supplies motor branches to the interossei
c) Supplies adductor hallucis
d) Is homologous with the ulnar nerve in the hand

Answer: a

9. The 'keystone' of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot is:
a) Head of talus
b) Calcaneus
c) Navicular
d) Cuboid

Answer: a

10. The medial longitudinal arch of the foot is supported by:
a) Tibialis anterior
b) Flexor hallucis longus
c) The 'spring' ligament
d) All of the above

Answer: d