Anatomy Questions and Answers Part-17

1. A muscle attached to the coronoid process of mandible:
a) Buccinator
b) Lateral pterygoid
c) Medial pterygoid
d) Temporalis

Answer: d

2. Nerve from which the parasympathetic fibres for the parotid gland take origin:
a) Vagus
b) Facia
c) Glossopharyngeal
d) Trigeminal

Answer: c

3. The buccal branch of the mandibular nerve supplies:
a) Buccinator muscle
b) Skin and mucous membrane of cheek
c) Only skin of cheek
d) Only mucous membrane of cheek

Answer: b

4. The following muscle assists the tongue in keeping food between the upper and lower molar teeth during mastication:
a) Masseter
b) Temporalis
c) Orbicularis oris
d) Buccinator

Answer: d

5. A structure passing deep to the hyoglossus muscle:
a) Hypoglossal nerve
b) Mylohyloid nerve
c) Submandibular duct
d) None of the above

Answer: d

6. The parotid duct opens into the oral cavity opposite the crown of the:
a) Upper first premolar tooth
b) Upper second molar
c) Lower first premolar
d) Upper third molar

Answer: b

7. The sublingual papilla:
a) Is a swelling on the lingual nerve
b) Is caused by the loop of the lingual artery
c) Is a swelling caused by the sublingual gland
d) Marks the opening of the submandibular duct

Answer: d

8. The permanent dentition in each quadrant of the mouth comprises:
a) Two incisors, canine, two premolars, two molars
b) One incisor, canine, two premolars, three molars
c) Two incisors, canine, two premolars, three molars
d) One incisor, canine, three premolars, three molars

Answer: c

9. The deciduous dentition in each quadrant of the mouth comprises:
a) Two incisors, canine, two molars
b) One incisor, canine, three molars
c) One incisor, canine, one premolar, two molars
d) Two incisors, canine, two premolars, two molars

Answer: a

10. The first permanent tooth to erupt is the:
a) Lateral incisor
b) Canine
c) First premolar
d) First molar

Answer: d