Anatomy Questions and Answers Part-16

1. The roots of the brachial plexus pass between:
a) Scalenus anterior and sternomastoid
b) Scalenus anterior and clavicle
c) Scalenus anterior and scalenus medius
d) Scalenus medius and scalenus posterior

Answer: c

2. Muscle attached to the first rib between subclavian vein artery:
a) Subclavius
b) Scalenus medius
c) Scalenus anterior
d) Scalenus posterior

Answer: c

3. The larger blood vessels of the scalp run in the:
a) Skin
b) Subcutaneous tissue
c) Epicranial aponeurosis
d) Subaponeurotic tissue

Answer: b

4. The plane of movement of the scalp is between:
a) Skin and epicranial aponeurosis
b) Epicranial aponeurosis (galea aponeurotica) and pericranium
c) Skin and subcutaneous fat
d) Pericranium and skull

Answer: b

5. The main sensory nerve to the back of the head:
a) Greater auricular
b) Greater occipital
c) Posterior auricular
d) Lesser occipital

Answer: b

6. The zygomatic arch gives origin to:
a) Masseter
b) Temporalis
c) Buccinator
d) Platysma

Answer: a

7. The main sensory nerve to the upper lip is the:
a) Facial
b) Infraorbital
c) Buccal of mandibular
d) External nasal

Answer: b

8. The main sensory nerve to the lower lip is the:
a) Buccal
b) Cervical of facial
c) Mental
d) Submandibular

Answer: c

9. The most horizontal fibres of temporalis muscle are:
a) Deep
b) Superficial
c) Posterior
d) Middle

Answer: c

10. A muscle which elevates and retracts the mandible:
a) Masseter
b) Temporalis
c) Medial pterygoid
d) Lateral pterygoid

Answer: b