Anatomy Questions and Answers Part-6

1. The quadriceps femoris muscle:
a) Extends the knee
b) Flexes the knee
c) Rotates the knee
d) Abducts the knee

Answer: a

2. The femoral triangle is bounded by:
a) Inguinal ligament, pectineus, sartorius
b) Inguinal ligament, adductor longus, gracilis
c) Inguinal ligament, rectus femoris, sartorius
d) Inguinal ligament, adductor longus, sartorius

Answer: d

3. Immediately lateral to the lacunar ligament:
a) Femoral artery
b) Femoral vein
c) Femoral ring
d) Femoral nerve

Answer: c

4. The femoral canal contains:
a) The femoral nerve
b) The femoral artery
c) The femoral vein
d) Lymphatics

Answer: d

5. Artery in subsartorial canal:
a) Femoral
b) Profunda femoris
c) Perforating branch of profunda femoris
d) Medial circumflex femoral

Answer: a

6. The orifice in adductor magnus muscle transmits:
a) Femoral vessels
b) Femoral nerve
c) Saphenous nerve
d) Tibial nerve

Answer: a

7. A tributary of the long saphenous vein:
a) Short saphenous
b) Sural
c) Superficial epigastric
d) Popliteal

Answer: c

8. The greater sciatic foramen transmits the following structures, except:
a) Superior gluteal vessels
b) Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
c) Piriformis muscle
d) Obturator internus

Answer: d

9. The following muscles are inserted into the greater trochanter of femur, except:
a) Gluteus maximus
b) Gluteus medius
c) Gluteus minimus
d) Obturator externus

Answer: a

10. Muscle pair inserted into iliotibial tract:
a) Gluteus maximus and gluteus medius
b) Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus
c) Quadratus femoris and gluteus maximus
d) Tensor fasciae latae and gluteus maximus

Answer: d