Anatomy Questions and Answers Part-3

1. The spine of the scapula is continued laterally as the:
a) Coracoid porcess
b) Angle of the scapula
c) Acromion
d) Supraglenoid tubercle

Answer: c

2. Muscle attached to the coracoid process of scapula:
a) Biceps
b) Triceps
c) Pectoralis major
d) Deltoid

Answer: a

3. Vein which pierces the clavipectoral fascia:
a) Basilic
b) Lateral pectoral
c) Internal thoracic
d) Cephalic

Answer: d

4. The axillary vein:
a) Is lateral to the axillary artery
b) Is devoid of valves
c) Is directly continuous with the brachiocephalic vein
d) None of the above

Answer: d

5. Branch of the axillary artery:
a) Suprascapular
b) Transverse cervical
c) Lateral thoracic
d) Nutrient artery to humerus

Answer: c

6. Origin from lateral cord of brachial plexus:
a) Axillary nerve
b) Ulnar nerve
c) Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
d) Musculocutaneous nerve

Answer: d

7. The humerus may be rotated laterally by
a) Subscapulars
b) Supraspinatus
c) Pectoralis major
d) Deltoid

Answer: d

8. The muscle pair responsible for abducting the humerus to a right angle:
a) Deltoid and subscapularis
b) Deltoid and supraspinatus
c) Supraspinatus and subscapularis
d) Teres major and subscapularis

Answer: b

9. Abduction of the humerus is initiated by:
a) Supraspinatus
b) Infraspinatus
c) Deltoid
d) Trapezius

Answer: a

10. The muscle pair which assists in elevating the arm above the head:
a) Trapezius and pectoralis minor
b) Trapezius and serratus anterior
c) Rhomboid major and serratus anterior
d) Rhomboid major and levator scapulae

Answer: b