Anatomy Questions and Answers Part-13

1. In the carpal tunnel:
a) Ulnar nerve
b) Median nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Ulnar artery

Answer: b

2. Carpal bones visible in radiograph of newborn:
a) None
b) Two
c) Four
d) Six

Answer: a

3. Metacarpal bone with epiphysis at proximal end:
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth

Answer: a

4. Abduction of the thumb carries it:
a) Forwards away from the palm
b) Backwards to the side of the palm
c) Towards the index finger
d) Laterally, away from the index finger

Answer: a

5. Inversion of the foot is performed by:
a) Peroneus longus and brevis
b) Peroneus longus and tibialis posterior
c) Tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior
d) None of the above muscle pairs

Answer: c

6. The plantar nerves and vessels lie between:
a) Plantar aponeurosis and the first muscle layer
b) First and second muscle layers
c) Second and third muscle layers
d) Third and fourth muscle layers

Answer: b

7. The cuboid is grooved by the tendon of:
a) Peroneus longus
b) Peroneus brevis
c) Peroneus tertius
d) Tibialis posterior

Answer: a

8. The ankle joint has greatest freedom of movement when:
a) It is plantar flexed
b) It is dorsi-flexed
c) The foot is inverted
d) The foot is everted

Answer: a

9. Number of broncho-pulmonary segments in the right lower lobe of lung:
a) One
b) Three
c) Five
d) Seven

Answer: c

10. The number of pulmonary veins entering the left atrium is normally:
a) One
b) Two
c) Four
d) Six

Answer: c