Anatomy Questions and Answers Part-15

1. Directly behind isthmus of thyroid gland:
a) Sternohyoid muscle
b) Thyrohyoid muscle
c) Oesophagus
d) Trachea

Answer: d

2. The common carotid artery ends at the level of the:
a) Sternoclavicular joint
b) Upper border of cricoid cartilage
c) Upper border of thyroid cartilage
d) Lower border of mandible

Answer: c

3. The following structures occupy the carotid sheath, except:
a) Common carotid artery
b) Internal carotid artery
c) Vagus nerve
d) Sympathetic trunk

Answer: d

4. Principal adductor of vocal folds:
a) Lateral cricoarytenoid
b) Posterior cricoarytenoid
c) Aryepiglottic muscle
d) Cricothyroid

Answer: a

5. Section of the inferior (recurrent) laryngeal nerve would paralyse the intrinsic laryngeal muscles, except:
a) Cricothyroid
b) Posterior cricoarytenoid
c) Vocalis
d) Lateral cricoarytenoid

Answer: a

6. The thyroid gland is enveloped in:
a) Investing fascia of the neck
b) Prevertebral fascia
c) Pretracheal fascia
d) Superficial fascia

Answer: c

7. The cricoid cartilage is at the vertebral level of:
a) C2
b) C4
c) C6
d) T1

Answer: c

8. Anterior relation(s) of scalenus anterior:
a) Subclavian vein
b) Phrenic nerve
c) Brachial plexus
d) Two of the above

Answer: d

9. The intermediate tendon of the omohyoid muscle is anchored by a fascial sling to the:
a) Hyoid bone
b) Thyroid cartilage
c) Clavicle
d) Sternum

Answer: c

10. The cervical plexus is formed by the ventral rami of:
a) C1,C2,C3
b) C1, C2
c) C1,C2,C3,C4
d) C3, C4

Answer: c