Anatomy Questions and Answers Part-18

1. The first deciduous tooth to erupt is usually the:
a) Central incisor
b) Canine
c) First premolar
d) First molar

Answer: a

2. The lingual tonsil is confined to the:
a) Posterior one-third of the tongue
b) Anterior one-third of the tongue
c) Sulcus terminalis
d) Ventral surface of the tongue

Answer: a

3. The bony part of the nasal septum contains:
a) Perpendicular plate of ethmoid and vomer
b) Perpendicular plate of palatine and vomer
c) Perpendicular plate of palatine, vomer, and perpendicular plate of ethmoid
d) Perpendicular plate of palatine, vomer, palatine crest of maxilla

Answer: a

4. In the 'motor nerve' entering a muscle, sensory fibres make up the following proportion:
a) None
b) 20 per cent
c) 40 per cent
d) 75 per cent

Answer: c

5. Pacinian corpuscles are numerous in:
a) The dermis of the skin
b) Periarticular tissues
c) Bone marrow
d) Muscle

Answer: b

6. The rate of regeneration of peripheral nerves following injury is:
a) 1 -3 micra per day
b) 1 -3 mm per hour
c) 1 -3 mm per day
d) 1 -3 mm per week

Answer: c

7. In the postnatal period the greatest growth in the grey matter of the CNS is of:
a) Nerve cell numbers
b) Length of axonal processes
c) Dendritic trees
d) Size of perikarya

Answer: c

8. The cells of the posterior grey horn of the spinal cord are arranged:
a) In clusters
b) In laminae from apex to base
c) In laminae from medial to lateral side
d) Diffusely

Answer: b

9. Grossly the spinal cord presents two swellings:
a) Cervical and thoracic
b) Cervical and lumbar
c) Thoracic and lumbar
d) Thoracic and sacral

Answer: b

10. The internal vertebral venous plexus occupies:
a) The extradural space
b) The subdural space
c) The subarachnoid space
d) The spinal cord

Answer: a