Anatomy Questions and Answers Part-5

1. Usual level of bifurcation of the brachial artery:
a) Middle of arm
b) Just above the elbow
c) Level of intercondylar line
d) Neck of radius

Answer: d

2. An important supinator muscle:
a) Biceps brachii
b) Brachialis
c) Triceps
d) Brachioradialis

Answer: a

3. Supplied by the ulnar nerve in the forearm:
a) Flexor carpi radialis
b) Flexor carpi ulnaris
c) Extensor carpi radialis
d) Flexor pollicis longus

Answer: b

4. Tendon directly medial to dorsal (Lister's) tubercle of radius:
a) Extensor pollicis brevis
b) Extensor pollicis longus
c) Extensor indicis
d) Extensor carpi radialis longus

Answer: b

5. Directly behind palmaris longus at the wrist:
a) Flexor carpi radialis
b) Flexor pollicis longus
c) Median nerve
d) Radial artery

Answer: c

6. The carpal bones articulating with the radius are:
a) Scaphoid and pisiform
b) Lunate and pisiform
c) Lunate and trapezium
d) Lunate and scaphoid

Answer: d

7. The triangular fibrocartilage:
a) Is attached to styloid process of radius
b) Separates synovial cavities of radiocarpal and inferior radio-ulnar joint
c) Articulates with lunate bone when wrist is adducted
d) Is stationary during pronation and supination

Answer: b

8. Artery usually palpable in the floor of the 'anatomical snuff box':
a) Princeps pollicis
b) Radialis pollicis
c) Radialis indicis
d) Radial

Answer: d

9. Liable to dislocation in a heavy fall on the hand:
a) Scaphoid
b) Lunate
c) Pisiform
d) Hamate

Answer: b

10. Digital synovial sheath(s) in communication with ulnar bursa:
a) Index
b) Middle finger
c) Ring finger
d) Little finger

Answer: d