Sentence Completion Questions and Answers Part-8

1. Everything he told me, I . . . . . . . . before.
a) had heard
b) heard
c) have heard
d) have been heard

Answer: a

2. Boys are usually dependent on their parents . . . . . . . . they earn enough money to support themselves.
a) till
b) provided
c) so
d) lest

Answer: a

3. The pilot had been warned about the storm before he . . . . . . . .
a) took up
b) took away
c) took off
d) took over

Answer: c

4. I am convinced . . . . . . . . his innocence
a) of
b) by
c) with
d) at

Answer: a

5. The police has been looking for him . . . . . . . . four weeks.
a) since
b) till
c) during
d) for

Answer: d

6. There was nobody to attend . . . . . . . the complaints of the customers.
a) at
b) over
c) to
d) with

Answer: c

7. However, a large number of employees kept . . . . . . . from their offices today.
a) on
b) out
c) away
d) up

Answer: c

8.How do you expect that country to progress when her government is corrupt, . . . . . . . and still largely feudal?
a) devalued
b) dwindling
c) despotic
d) demeaning

Answer: c

9. The truck was . . . . . . . the traffic and the policeman asked the driver to move off.
a) failing
b) obstructing
c) obviating
d) hiding

Answer: b

10. He is too . . . . . . . to be deceived easily.
a) strong
b) modern
c) kind
d) intelligent

Answer: d