Sentence Completion Questions and Answers Part-7

1. He sold his property because he was under a lot of . . . . . . .
a) account
b) debt
c) loan
d) credit

Answer: b

2. Waking at three o'clock, I heard the . . . . . . . of thunder.
a) clank
b) crackle
c) rumble
d) ripple

Answer: c

3. When the bus was at full speed, its brakes failed and an accident was . . . . . . .
a) inevitable
b) infallible
c) essential
d) undeniable

Answer: a

4. It was . . . . . . . that a mind so pure and searching could miss the truth.
a) likely
b) unlikely
c) possibly
d) scarcely

Answer: b

5. He is a . . . . . . dancer.
a) skilled
b) adept
c) adapt
d) adopt

Answer: a

6. The . . . . . . . imposed for non-payment was too . . . . . . . for it to bring in improvement in collection.
a) fine , severe
b) toll , simple
c) penalty , low
d) damage , cruel

Answer: c

7. The speech . . . . . . . with subtle threats has resulted in . . . . . . . tension in the sensitive areas of the city.
a) started , reduced
b) replete , increased
c) full , escalating
d) forced , dissolving

Answer: b

8. . . . . . . of crops was due to continuous . . . . . . .
a) Destruction , draught
b) Ruin , draft
c) Failure , drought
d) Depreciation , drift

Answer: c

9. The war . . . . . . . immediately after the cease-fire proposal was . . . . . . . bilaterally.
a) receded , exchanged
b) started , prepared
c) began , thwarted
d) ended , accepted

Answer: d

10. The partners broke off as they found each other . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . breach of promise.
a) faulty , severe
b) responsible , serious
c) guilty , flagrant
d) accused , rigid

Answer: c

11. If a universal language really existed, people like tourists and businessmen would find it easier to . . . . . . . with foreigners.
a) transact
b) communicate
c) deal
d) exchange

Answer: b

12. Anita . . . . . . . me of a girl I used to know.
a) remembers
b) recalls
c) recollects
d) reminds

Answer: d

13. This book is a useful . . . . . . . to our library.
a) arrival
b) discovery
c) asset
d) addition

Answer: d

14. Though they did not speak to each other much, there was a . . . . . . . understanding between them.
a) placid
b) contractual
c) tacit
d) verbal

Answer: c

15. The ties that bind a family together are so . . . . . . . that they can hardly withstand any strain.
a) tenacious
b) twisted
c) tenuous
d) tentative

Answer: c

16. He wanted to help . . . . . . . poverty.
a) diminish
b) reduce
c) dwindle
d) deplete

Answer: b

17. Ambition is one of those . . . . . . . which are never satisfied.
a) needs
b) ideas
c) passions
d) fancies

Answer: c

18. The communalist represents the . . . . . . . of everything noble that we have inherited from our culture and history.
a) antagonism
b) immorality
c) antidote
d) antithesis

Answer: d

19. The country needs a . . . . . . . government to tackle the challenges it faces today.
a) sustained
b) stable
c) stationary
d) stagnant

Answer: b

20. One . . . . . . . and you know who among them is the culprit.
a) gaze
b) peep
c) look
d) sight

Answer: c