Sentence Completion Questions and Answers Part-18

1.To nobody else did the story seem . . . . . . .
a) contingent
b) credible
c) credulous
d) creditable

Answer: b

2. The charm of an Austrian gentleman, the brutality of a gangster, the ranting of a demagogue, the assurance of a diplomat . . . . . . . one another in a kaleidoscope of performance.
a) succeeded
b) struck
c) touched
d) joined

Answer: a

3. Hindus believe that . . . . . . . from the cycle of birth and rebirth can be attained only by good deeds
a) bondage
b) deliverance
c) delivery
d) retirement

Answer: b

4. The Marxists, following a theory of dialectical materialism, contend that man is merely a producing animal who supplies his own needs and whose life is largely . . . . . . . by economic forces.
a) determined
b) subordinated
c) moulded
d) subjugated

Answer: c

5. Gandhiji was a humble man known for his . . . . . . .
a) pleasantness
b) sweetness
c) modesty
d) kindness

Answer: c

6. Would you mind . . . . . . . . to the Principal how the trouble started?
a) talking
b) remarking
c) telling
d) explaining

Answer: d

7. The park was . . . . . . . . with bits of paper after the children had left
a) cluttered
b) littered
c) filled
d) scattered

Answer: b

8. The overthrow of a totalitarian regime by the people is truly the triumph of . . . . . . . .
a) imperialism
b) democracy
c) dictatorship
d) communism

Answer: b

9. The Hubble Space Telescope will search for planets around other stars, a key to the . . . . . . . . for extra terrestrial life, and examine interstellar dust and gases out of which stars are born.
a) discovery
b) perception
c) quest
d) enquiry

Answer: c

10. He did not register his . . . . . . . . to the proposal.
a) deviation
b) divergence
c) disfavour
d) dissent

Answer: d