Sentence Completion Questions and Answers Part-3

1. Ravi's behaviour is worthy of . . . . . . by all the youngsters.
a) trial
b) emulation
c) following
d) exploration

Answer: b

2. Two of the fugitives managed to remain free by adeptly avoiding the . . . . . . of the police.
a) torture
b) pursuit
c) discovery
d) following

Answer: b

3. Mounting unemployment is the most serious and . . . . . . . . problem faced by India today.
a) dubious
b) profound
c) unpopular
d) intractable

Answer: d

4. It is not fair to cast . . . . . . . on honest and innocent persons.
a) aspiration
b) aspersions
c) inspiration
d) adulation

Answer: b

5. The poor ones continue to . . . . . . . out a living inspite of economic liberalisation in that country.
a) find
b) go
c) eke
d) bring

Answer: c

6. We ........ start now to work for our examination.
a) had better
b) better
c) has better
d) are better

Answer: b

7. The lease of our premises has ......... and we have to vacate it.
a) run out
b) run off
c) run over
d) run down

Answer: a

8. His boss .......... an explanation of his conduct with his colleagues.
a) called up
b) called upon
c) called for
d) called off

Answer: c

9. The artist had to ______ a lot before _______ recognized for his talent.
a) struggle, being
b) toil, he
c) practise, performing
d) effort, he was

Answer: a

10. Most of the committee members _____ in favour of the ______ of a new dam in that village.
a) was, building
b) are, proposing
c) were, construction
d) not, assembly

Answer: c

11. "Sujata is late in the office."
"She rarely comes in time ..... ?"
a) don't she
b) does she
c) doesn't she
d) won't she

Answer: b

12. He behaves as if he ....... a king.
a) was
b) were
c) has
d) had

Answer: b

13. The dog has been ....... by the car.
a) run out
b) run over
c) run into
d) run for

Answer: b

14. ..... you apologize I shall punish you.
a) until
b) unless
c) till
d) None of these

Answer: b

15. Lord Buddha ......... his kingship and become a hermit.
a) Abolished
b) Abated
c) Abdicated
d) Abandoned

Answer: c

16. Rajeev failed in the examination because none of his answers were _______ to the questions asked.
a) allusive
b) revealing
c) pertinent
d) referential

Answer: c

17. There are _______ views on the issue of giving bonus to the employees.
a) independent
b) divergent
c) modest
d) adverse

Answer: b

18. Man who has committed such an _______ crime must get the most severe punishment.
a) injurious
b) unchritable
c) unworhty
d) abominable

Answer: d

19. He has _______ people visiting him at his house because he fears it will cause discomfort to neighbours
a) curtailed
b) requested
c) stopped
d) warned

Answer: c

20. Although he never learn to read, his exceptional memory and enquiring mind eventually made him a very _______ man.
a) dedicated
b) erudite
c) pragmatic
d) benevolent

Answer: b

21. Some of the luggage ......... not yet arrived.
a) has
b) have
c) is
d) are

Answer: a

22. I wonder whether I ........ ever see him again.
a) shall
b) will
c) should
d) would

Answer: d

23. No sooner ......... than the police handcuffed him.
a) he came
b) did he came
c) did he come
d) had he come

Answer: c

24. ''What exactly does he want ?"
"He would like to see you ...... a good job on the project."
a) got
b) get
c) getting
d) will get

Answer: c

25. "She was sorry she didn't attend her friend's wedding."
"Yes, she ........."
a) regretted she can't have gone
b) was regretting she does not go
c) will regret she didn't go
d) was regretting that she couldn't go

Answer: d

26. This is a ............... on his character.
a) Blot
b) Blur
c) Slur
d) Spot

Answer: c

27. We didn't ....... the programme to be such a huge success.
a) Accept
b) Except
c) Expect
d) Access

Answer: c

28. I suffer from no ....... about my capabilities.
a) illusion
b) doubts
c) hallucinations
d) imaginations

Answer: a

29. The government, in a bid to make Bihar, a preferred investment destination, has _________ major schemes to create infrastructure at different stages.
a) launched
b) opposed
c) opened
d) pushed

Answer: a

30. The student's aren't prepared _______ the examination
a) to give
b) to listen
c) to work
d) to take

Answer: d