Sentence Completion Questions and Answers Part-15

1. Every one should . . . . . . . . himself against illness since medical care has now become expensive.
a) vaccinate
b) insure
c) brace
d) ensure

Answer: b

2. After reaching New York, Ramakant will have to . . . . . . . . himself to the new surroundings.
a) mix
b) develop
c) submit
d) adapt

Answer: d

3. You need . . . . . . . . shoes for walking in the hills
a) good
b) comfortable
c) satisfactory
d) sturdy

Answer: b

4. His most striking . . . . . . . . is the enthusiasm which he brings to everything he does.
a) character
b) factor
c) characteristic
d) attitude

Answer: c

5. The principal and staff have made . . . . . . . . efforts to enable the students to attend college on the days of the bus strike.
a) integrated
b) deliberate
c) concerted
d) systematic

Answer: c

6. The doctor gave the woman a . . . . . . . . to calm her down.
a) tonic
b) sedative
c) antiseptic
d) antidote

Answer: b

7. Please do not . . . . . . . . the offer made by the Chairman
a) refrain
b) refute
c) refuse
d) refuge

Answer: c

8. Manuring in agricultural fields increases . . . . . . . .
a) income
b) fertility
c) profitability
d) productivity

Answer: d

9. At one point, it looked as if an area of agreement would . . . . . . . ., specially over the issue of productivity linked wages.
a) emerge
b) grow
c) develop
d) come out

Answer: a

10. The bank clerk tried to . . . . . . . . money from his friend's account.
a) empower
b) embellish
c) embroil
d) embezzle

Answer: d