Sentence Completion Questions and Answers Part-13

1. The conference was successful, your style of presentation was . . . . . . . .; everyone liked it.
a) valuable
b) difficult
c) conducive
d) wonderful

Answer: d

2. Freedom is not a . . . . . . . . but our birth right.
a) sin
b) gift
c) farce
d) illusion

Answer: b

3. He has . . . . . . . . people visiting him at his house because he fears it will cause discomfort to neighbours
a) curtailed
b) requested
c) stopped
d) warned

Answer: c

4. He very successfully . . . . . . . . all the allegations levelled against him.
a) extricated
b) eradicated
c) retaliated
d) rebutted

Answer: d

5.Man power is the . . . . . . . . means of converting other resources to mankind's use and benefit.
a) insuperable
b) inimitable
c) indivisible
d) indispensable

Answer: d

6. The government is confident that the standard of living will begin to . . . . . . . . again soon.
a) revive
b) lift
c) fluorish
d) rise

Answer: d

7. The senior officials of the Ministry charged the secretary with gross . . . . . . . . of duty and so suspended him.
a) disregard
b) negligence
c) laxity
d) dishonesty

Answer: b

8. To explain his design to his visitor, the architect . . . . . . . . a simple plan on the blackboard.
a) constructed
b) made
c) sketched
d) built

Answer: c

9. The sound of the running water of the stream had a pleasantly . . . . . . . . effect on me.
a) sonorous
b) amusing
c) loud
d) somnolent

Answer: a

10. He is in the habit of . . . . . . . . his head whenever anything goes wrong.
a) hiding
b) losing
c) protecting
d) loosing

Answer: b