Sentence Completion Questions and Answers Part-14

1. His first failure did not . . . . . . . . him from making another attempt
a) interfere
b) forbid
c) frighten
d) deter

Answer: d

2. This is a . . . . . . . . translation of the speech.
a) verbatim
b) verbal
c) literal
d) literary

Answer: c

3. He lives near a lonely . . . . . . . . of countryside.
a) piece
b) length
c) stretch
d) section

Answer: c

4. The transfer of territories could not take place because one state . . . . . . . . the findings of the Commission.
a) objected
b) questioned
c) rejected
d) disputed

Answer: d

5. Like any other country India has its . . . . . . . . share of superstitions.
a) peculiar
b) fair
c) proper
d) abundant

Answer: b

6.He admired precision in everything , but it never hampered his quick . . . . . . . .
a) finalisation
b) dealing
c) action
d) decision

Answer: d

7. We must . . . . . . . . the tickets for the movie in advance
a) draw
b) buy
c) remove
d) take

Answer: b

8. The music for Asiad was . . . . . . . . by Pandit Ravi Shankar.
a) displayed
b) composed
c) demonstrated
d) made

Answer: b

9. The problems suggested by style as a sign and index of personality may be . . . . . . . . from many points of view.
a) approached
b) encountered
c) confronted
d) upheld

Answer: a

10. If negotiations are to prove fruitful, there must not only be sincerity on each side, but there must also be . . . . . . . . in the sincerity of the other side.
a) certainty
b) substance
c) faith
d) belief

Answer: c