Construction Materials MCQ - Bearing Capacity of Soil

1. The maximum differential settlement should not exceed ___________ mm in case of foundation on sandy soil.
a) 100
b) 40
c) 50
d) 25


Answer: d
Explanation: The total amount of settlement should be generally limited between 40 mm and 100 mm. The term differential settlement indicates the relative settlement of the adjacent portion of the structure.

2. The maximum differential settlement should not exceed __________ mm in case of foundation on clayey soil.
a) 40
b) 25
c) 100
d) 50


Answer: a
Explanation: For ordinary frame structures of concrete, the permissible angular distortion is 1/500 i.e. one horizontal to 500 vertical and the desirable value is 1/1000 i.e. one horizontal to 1000 vertical. The term angular distortion is used to indicate the deformation of the structure in a vertical plane.

3. The maximum safe bearing capacity of hard rocks with defects and lamination such as granite, diorite and trap is ___________ kN/m2.
a) 1650
b) 3300
c) 250
d) 100


Answer: b
Explanation: The term maximum safe bearing capacity of soil is used to indicate the maximum pressure that is soil can be here without any risk of shear failure only, irrespective of any settlement that may occur.

4. The maximum safe bearing capacity of very soft, wet, pasty or muddy clay is __________ kN/m2.
a) 150
b) 100
c) 50
d) 25


Answer: c
Explanation: As the given soil is very soft, wet, muddy clay, the soil possess very least minimum safe bearing capacity. This is because, this soil possess very less intermolecular attraction between the molecules hence it has low bearing capacity.

5. In case of non-cohesive soils such as sand and gravel ___________ reduction in allowable bearing capacity of the soil should be applied, if the water table is situated below or near the bearing surface of the soil.
a) 20%
b) 50%
c) 80%
d) 100%


Answer: b
Explanation: However, if water table is situated below the bearing surface of the soil at a depth equal to the width of the foundation trench, no such reduction should be applied. But in this case, 50% reduction is applied. For intermediate depths of the water table, the proportion and percentage reduction should be applied.

6. Identify the method given below for the determination of the bearing power of soil.
a) Plate load test method
b) Electrical resistivity method
c) Seismic refraction method
d) Geophysical method


Answer: a
Explanation: Plate load test method is one of the methods of determination of bearing power of soil. Plate load test method is the improved point method and it is widely used for determination of the bearing capacity. Other methods for determination are the method of loading, method of dropping weight, analytical methods and Presumptive method.

7. In which method, a square steel plate is used to determine the bearing power of soil.
a) Plate load test
b) Method of loading
c) Analytical method
d) Penetration test


Answer: b
Explanation: In method of loading, a square steel plate is used whose size depends on practical conditions and it generally varies from 3000 mm2 to 7500 mm2. The plate should have sufficient thickness to with stand the maximum bending stresses due to probable loading.

8. The bearing capacity of soil is calculated in ______ units.
a) gm/cc
b) kg/m3
c) kN/m2
d) N/m


Answer: c
Explanation: The bearing capacity of soil is calculated as the maximum load divided by the total area of steel plate i.e. Bearing Capacity = max. Load ÷ area of steel plate and the unit is N/m2 or kN/m2.

9. For determining the bearing capacity of soil, in method of loading the size for a square steel plate used is about ________
a) 300 mm2 to 750 mm2
b) 3000 mm2 to 7500 mm2
c) 3 m2 to 75 m2
d) 3 mm2 to 75 mm2


Answer: b
Explanation: In method of loading comma the size of square steel plate generally variance from 3000 mm2 to 7500 mm2. The plates should have sufficient thickness to with stand the maximum bending stresses due to probable loading. But in no case, it should be less than 25 mm.

10. In method of loading, which material is used for loading?
a) Wooden pegs
b) Square steel plate
c) Sand bags
d) Rocks


Answer: c
Explanation: The number of banks full of sand or arrange on the rolled Steel section. The sand bag is on the platform till the settlement of the ground ceases or stops. The loading should be applied without shock or impact at the centre.