Construction Materials Questions and Answers - Types of Walls

1. Corrosion of the reinforcement results in __________
a) Expansion of joints
b) Contraction of joints
c) Shrinkage
d) Tightening of joints

Answer: a
Explanation: In reinforced brickwork, it is important to keep in mind that it should be embedded with dense cement mortar in order to prevent corrosion. Corrosion of the reinforcement results in cracking as well as the expansion of joints.

2. A wall may be defined as that component of a building, whose width is _________ times its thickness.
a) Two
b) Four
c) Eight
d) Sixteen

Answer: b
Explanation: A wall is a vital component of the building whose function is to divide the space of the building. Generally, the width of a wall exceeds four times its thickness. There are basically two types of walls – load bearing and non-load bearing walls

3. A column is _______ member.
a) Vertical load-bearing
b) Vertical non-load bearing
c) An Isolated load-bearing
d) An Isolated non-load bearing

Answer: c
Explanation: A column is defined as an isolated load-bearing member. The main difference between a wall and a column is that the width of a wall exceeds four times its thickness while the width of a column does not

4. Load-bearing walls are defined as those walls which carry their own weight only whereas non-load bearing walls are defined as those walls which can carry superimposed loads in addition to their own weight.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: There are basically two types of walls – load-bearing walls and non-load bearing walls. Load-bearing walls are those which can support and carry superimposed loads in addition to their own weight whereas non-load bearing walls are those which can carry and support their own weight only.

5. Which of the following types of walls is constructed to divide the space within the building?
a) Partition wall
b) Cavity wall
c) Party wall
d) Curtain wall

Answer: a
Explanation: A partition wall is defined as either load-bearing or non-load bearing internal wall whose function is to divide the space within the building so as to make the building more productive and useful. A cavity wall consists of two leaves. A party wall is used to separate adjacent buildings occupied by different people. A curtain wall does not carry any vertical loads.

6. A panel wall is an __________
a) Internal non-loading bearing wall
b) External load-bearing wall
c) Internal load-bearing wall
d) External non-load bearing wall

Answer: d
Explanation: Walls are mainly divided into two types – load-bearing and non-load bearing walls. Each type is further divided into internal and external walls. A panel wall is defined as an external non-load bearing wall.

7. Cross-wall construction is composed of internal walls which run at __________ angles to the length of the building.
a) Straight
b) Acute
c) Right
d) Obtuse

Answer: c
Explanation: Cross-wall construction is that form of construction which is composed of internal walls which run at right angles to the length of the building. The function of this composition of internal walls is to support and carry all the loads which the building is subjected to.

8. A __________ is a wall which separates adjacent buildings belonging to different persons.
a) Party
b) Separating
c) Cavity
d) Partition

Answer: a
Explanation: A party wall is defined as a wall that is constructed in order to separate adjacent buildings that belong to different owners. A party wall can be either load-bearing or non-load bearing.

9. A separating wall is defined as a wall that separates _________ residencies within the _________ building.
a) Same, same
b) Same, different
c) Different, different
d) Different, same

Answer: d
Explanation: A separating wall is defined as that type of wall which is constructed in order to separate different residencies within the same building. They are fire-resistant and also provide sound insulation.

10. Which of the following is not a type of load-bearing wall?
a) Solid masonry wall
b) Panel wall
c) Cavity wall
d) Faced wall

Answer: b
Explanation: Load-bearing walls are further classified into the following types – solid masonry wall, cavity wall, veneered wall, and faced wall. A panel wall is a non-load bearing wall which is used in framed structures.