Engineering Geology Questions and Answers Part-27

1. What has to be located during an investigation with great care?
a) Macro joints
b) Fissures
c) Micro joints
d) Macro joints and micro joints

Answer: c
Explanation: Great care has to be exercised in locating the presence, distribution patterns and magnitude of micro joints that are typical of many rocks. Such joints, if left unnoticed and untreated, may widen after the construction of the project and endanger its stability.

2. What is a positive effect of joints?
a) Instability in slopes
b) Groundwater
c) Oil reserves
d) Groundwater and oil reserves

Answer: d
Explanation: As regards the positive effects of joints in rocks, these are greatly sought after in the exploration for groundwater and oil reserves in a given area. Only a well-jointed and porous rock can form a good aquifer or a good oil and gas reservoir.

3. Mineralisation takes place in jointed rocks.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Mineralisation with economically valuable minerals from hydrothermal solutions takes place in jointed rocks and fissures, which are formed due to the widening of joints.

4. Which of the following is not true about a mineral?
a) Naturally occurring
b) Inorganic substance
c) Organic substance
d) Definite chemical composition

Answer: c
Explanation: A mineral, is defined as, a naturally occurring inorganic solid substance that is characterized with a definite chemical composition and very often with a definite atomic structure.

5. Mineralogy deals with?
a) Individual properties of minerals
b) Formation of minerals
c) More of occurrence
d) Properties, formation and occurrence

Answer: d
Explanation: Mineralogy is the branch of geology dealing with the wide range of aspects related to minerals like their individual properties, mode of occurrence and mode of formation.

6. A colour is produced due to ___________
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Absorption
d) Reflection and absorption

Answer: d
Explanation: A particular colour is produced by reflection of some and absorption of other components of white light

7. Colour of a mineral depends upon its?
a) Atomic structure
b) Outer surface
c) Composition
d) Atomic structure and composition

Answer: d
Explanation: A mineral shows colour of that wavelength of the white light which is not absorbed by it by virtue of its composition and atomic structure.

8. Metallic minerals belong to which category with respect to colour?
a) Idiochromatic
b) Pseudochromatic
c) Allochromatic
d) Iridescence

Answer: a
Explanation: Idiochromatic having a characteristic, fairly constant colour related primarily to the composition of mineral. Metallic minerals belong to this category.

9. The type of mineral showing variable colour is?
a) Idiochromatic
b) Allochromatic
c) Iridescence
d) Pseudochromatic

Answer: b
Explanation: Allochromatic minerals have a variable colour; the variety in colour is generally due to minute quantities of colouring impurities thoroughly dispersed in the mineral composition.

10. The type of mineral which shows a set of colours in succession is?
a) Idiochromatic
b) Pseudochromatic
c) Allochromatic
d) Iridescence

Answer: b
Explanation: Pseudochromatic minerals show false colour. Such an effect generally happens when a mineral is rotated in hand; it is then seen to show a set colours in succession.