Engineering Geology Questions and Answers Part-24

1. How many groups are classified based on the presence of regularities?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 4

Answer: a
Explanation: All joints are divided into two main groups on the basis of presence or otherwise of some regularity in their occurrence.

2. Which type of rocks are classified based on geometry?
a) Pseudo-stratified
b) Stratified
c) Non-stratified
d) Anisotropic

Answer: b
Explanation: In stratified rocks, joints are generally classified on the basis of the relationship of their attitude with that of the rocks in which they occur.

3. How many types are further classified based on geometry?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 3
d) 5

Answer: c
Explanation: Under the classification based on geometry, three types are recognized: Strike joints, dip joints, oblique joints.

4. The type of joint not studied under the geometry as basis is ___________
a) Strike joints
b) Dip joints
c) Hade joints
d) Oblique joints

Answer: c
Explanation: Only three types of joints are studied under the classification of joints on the basis of geometry; strike joints, dip joints and oblique joints. Hade joint is not a type of joint.

5. What is the other name for diagonal joints?
a) Dip joints
b) Strike joints
c) Sheet joints
d) Oblique joints

Answer: d
Explanation: Oblique joints are those joints where the strike of the joints is at any angle between the dip and the strike of the layers. These layers are also called diagonal joints when they occur midway between the dip and strike of the layers.

6. Joints parallel to bedding planes are called ___________
a) Strike joints
b) Bedding joints
c) Dip joints
d) Oblique joints

Answer: b
Explanation: In stratified rocks, some joints may develop essentially parallel to the bedding planes. These are simply referred as bedding planes.

7. Non-systematic joints occur at random in the rocks.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Non-systematic or irregular joints appear at random in the rocks and may have incompletely defined surfaces. In many cases, these are related to the systematic joints in that these occur between them.

8. Tensile stresses in igneous rocks are developed during ___________
a) Cooling
b) Crystallisation
c) Cooling and crystallisation
d) Molten state

Answer: c
Explanation: The igneous rocks are formed by cooling and crystallisation of hot molten material called magma or lava. As such, in most cases they show joint systems related to the tensile stresses developing during the process of cooling and crystallisation.

9. The type of regular joint not belonging to igneous rocks is?
a) Sheet jointing
b) Box jointing
c) Mural jointing
d) Columnar jointing

Answer: b
Explanation: The three regular or systematic types of joints observed in igneous rocks are: sheet joints, mural joints and columnar joints.

10. Which jointing gives layered sedimentary structure appearance?
a) Sheet jointing
b) Mural jointing
c) Box jointing
d) Columnar jointing

Answer: a
Explanation: In granites and other related igneous rocks, a horizontal set of joints often divides the rock mass in such a way as to give it an appearance of a layered sedimentary structure, called in this case as a sheeting structure.