1. What are the properties that a maskant used in Chemical milling should possess?
a) Be tough and adhere well
b) Scribe easily
c) Be inert to chemical reagent
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: All the properties mentioned above, should be possessed by the maskants.
2. In maskant application, photo-resist masks ensure which of the following advantages?
a) High accuracy
b) Ease of repetition
c) Ease of modification
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: We will have the advantages which are mentioned above, if we use photo resist masking.
3. Which of the tolerance values are obtained, when we use cut and peel mask method for maskant?
a) ± 0.013 mm
b) ± 0.045 mm
c) ± 0.077 mm
d) ± 0.179 mm
Explanation: Tolerance value of ± 0.179 mm, will be obtained, when we use cut and peel mask method.
4. Which of the tolerance values are obtained, when we use silk-screen resist method for maskant?
a) ± 0.013 mm
b) ± 0.045 mm
c) ± 0.077 mm
d) ± 0.179 mm
Explanation: Tolerance value of ± 0.077 mm, will be obtained, when we use silk screen resist method.
5. Which of the tolerance values are obtained, when we use photo resist method for maskant application?
a) ± 0.013 mm
b) ± 0.045 mm
c) ± 0.077 mm
d) ± 0.179 mm
Explanation: Tolerance value of ± 0.013 mm, will be obtained, when we use photo resist method.
6. Which of the following, are the main uses of etchants applied in Chemical milling?
a) Good surface finish
b) Uniform material removal
c) Control intergranular attack
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: In CHM, etchants are used for the above mentioned factors.
7. Scribing plates are used to define, which of the following parameters in Chemical milling?
a) Areas to be exposed
b) Volumes to be exposed
c) Areas not to be exposed
d) Volumes not to be exposed
Explanation: Scribing plates defines the areas that are to be exposed for removal of material.
8. Which of the following are can be used as guides for scribing process in Chemical milling?
a) Layout lines
b) Simple templates
c) Fibre glass
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: All the guides mentioned above, can be used for scribing process.
9. Which of the following are the accessories, included in the tooling of Chemical milling?
a) Tanks and hooks
b) Brackets and racks
c) Fixtures
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: The accessories mentioned above are included in the tooling of Chemical milling.
10. Which of the following are the materials used for making maskants?
a) Synthetic materials
b) Rubber materials
c) Polymeric materials
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: All the materials mentioned above, can be used for making maskants.