1. Ice particles of size >500 µm are produced by which of the following process?
a) Stream freezing
b) Ice particles supply
c) Normal cooling
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: Ice particles of size >500 µm are produced by ice particles supply.
2. In Ice jet machining, stand-off distance value varies between which of the following?
a) 1.0 – 2.0 mm
b) 2.0 – 3.0 mm
c) 3.0 – 5.0 mm
d) 5.0 – 10.0 mm
Explanation: Value of the stand-off distance ranges between 3.0 – 5.0 mm in IJM.
3. What is the value of diameter of nozzle that is used in Ice jet machining?
a) 0.175 mm
b) 0.425 mm
c) 0.548 mm
d) 0.654 mm
Explanation: The value of diameter of nozzle in Ice jet machining is about 0.175 mm.
4. Ultrasonic atomizer used in ice particle generator, produces water droplets at which rate?
a) 0.1 ltr/hr to 1 ltr/hr
b) 2 ltr/hr to 12 ltr/hr
c) 20 ltr/hr to 35 ltr/hr
d) 40 ltr/hr to 65 ltr/hr
Explanation: Atomizer produces droplets at the rate 2 ltr/hr to 12 ltr/hr.
5. What are the advantages of Ice jet machining over the other advanced machining processes?
a) Environmentally safe
b) Cost reduction
c) No heat affected zone
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: Advantages of Ice Jet Machining are mentioned above when compared to other processes.
6. Which of the following is a disadvantage of ice jet machining when compared to AWJM?
a) Environmentally safe
b) Cost reduction
c) Low material removal rate
d) No heat affected zone
Explanation: When compared to AWJM, IJM has lower material removal rates.
7. Which of the following are the processes and applications by the use of IJM?
a) Ice Deburring process
b) Ice Cutting process
c) Ice Blasting process
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: All the processes mentioned above are done by using IJM.
8. Which of the following industries use Ice jet machining for different applications?
a) Food industry
b) Medical industry
c) Space industry
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: Different type of industries mentioned above use Ice jet machining for wide variety of applications.
9. In this type of machining, machining forces are controlled by which of the following fields?
a) Magnetic field
b) Electric field
c) Radiative field
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: In this machining, the magnetic field controls all the major forces of machining.
10. Which of the following type of tools, are required for magnetic field assisted polishing?
a) Rigid tools
b) Expensive tools
c) Magnetic tools
d) Ultra precession tools
Explanation: Magnetic field assisted polishing requires only magnetic machining elements, for the purpose of machining.