1. Non-Traditional machining is recommended when we need which of the following features?
a) Complex shapes
b) High surface quality
c) Low-rigidity structures
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: For above requirements this machining is used.
2. Non-Traditional machining can also be called as ________
a) Contact Machining
b) Non-contact machining
c) Partial contact machining
d) Half contact machining
Explanation: Tool and work piece are at a distance apart in this type of machining.
3. In which of the following industries, Non-traditional machining methods play an important role?
a) Automobile
b) Aerospace
c) Medical
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: Non-traditional methods are used widely in many industries.
4. Different classifications of Non-traditional machining based on source of energy are ________
a) Mechanical
b) Thermal
c) Chemical and electro-chemical.
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: It can be classified into the above mentioned categories.
5. In mechanical machining, material is removed by ___________
a) Erosion
b) Corrosion
c) Abrasion
d) Vaporization
Explanation: Abrasive grains remove material by mechanical erosion in USM.
6. Material in thermal machining is removed by which of the following means?
a) Vaporization
b) Melting
c) Electro-plating
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: In this machining, heat is the source of energy
7. Which of the following process comes under mechanical machining?
a) USM
b) EDM
c) LBM
d) PAM
Explanation: USM removes material by mechanical erosion.
8. Surface defects that may be occurred during thermal machining are ________
a) Micro cracking
b) Heat affected zones
c) Striations
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: During thermal machining surfaces defects occur.
9. Sources used in thermal machining are ________
a) Ions
b) Plasma
c) Electrons
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: Different sources are used to remove the materials accordingly.
10. Vacuum is the machining medium for ________
a) LBM
b) WJM
c) EBM
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: Vacuum is the medium for Laser Beam Machining and Ion Beam machining.