1 In advanced machining processes, what is the full form of AWJM?
a) Automated Water Jet Machining
b) Automated Water Jet Manufacturing
c) Abrasive Water Jet Machining
d) Abrasive Water Jet Manufacturing
Explanation: Full form of AWJM is Abrasive Water Jet Machining.
2. What are all the types of materials, which can be machined using AWJM?
a) Glass
b) Ceramics
c) Concrete
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: Hard to cut materials, which are mentioned above, can be machined using Abrasive water jet machining.
3. When was Abrasive water jet machining developed first?
a) 1942
b) 1958
c) 1974
d) 1980
Explanation: Abrasive water jet machining was first developed in the year 1974.
4. When compared to the conventional machining, how much times faster, is the Abrasive water jet machining?
a) 5 times
b) 10 times
c) 15 times
d) 20 times
Explanation: Abrasive water jet machining is 10 times faster than the conventional machining.
5. What is the percentage of the abrasives and water in the mixture?
a) 20% water and 80% abrasives
b) 80% water and 20% abrasives
c) 30% water and 70% abrasives
d) 70% water and 30% abrasives
Explanation: Abrasive mixture consists of 70 percent water and 30 percent abrasives.
6. What are the materials used for abrasives in Abrasive water jet machining?
a) SiC
b) Corundum
c) Glass beads
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: All of the materials mentioned above can be used for making abrasives in Abrasive water jet machining.
7. In the machining system of AWJM, which one accelerates the abrasives to remove material?
a) Water only
b) Water jet stream
c) Feeder
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: Water jet stream accelerates abrasives but not the water only, to remove material.
8. The introduction of compressed air to the water jet enhances the deburring action.
a) True
b) False
Explanation: Compressed air increases the pressure energy of the jet stream, which enhances the material removal rate.
9. What is the grain size of abrasive particles, which are often used for Abrasive water jet machining?
a) 0.01 – 0.50 µm
b) 10 – 150 µm
c) 200 – 500 µm
d) 500 – 1000 µm
Explanation: Grain size of the abrasive particles range between 10 – 150 µm in Abrasive water jet machining.
10. How is the material removed in Abrasive water jet machining?
a) Vaporization
b) Electron transfer
c) Corrosion
d) Erosion
Explanation: In Abrasive water jet machining, material removal takes place by the erosion of the work piece material using abrasives accelerated by jet stream.