1. Which of the following material/s is/are used to hold the abrasives, in MAF?
a) Nonmagnetic materials
b) Ferro magnetic materials
c) Ceramic materials
d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: Ferro magnetic materials hold the abrasives in order to remove material through finishing.
2. What is the other name of ferromagnetic material used for holding the abrasives in MAF?
a) Magnetic abrasive conglomerate
b) Magnetic abrasive holder
c) Magnetic abrasive container
d) Magnetic abrasive ampule
Explanation: Ferro magnetic material is also called as Magnetic abrasive conglomerate.
3. What are the sizes magnetic abrasive conglomerates required in the machining system of MAF?
a) 1 – 10 microns
b) 20 – 50 microns
c) 50 – 100 microns
d) 100 – 200 microns
Explanation: The sizes of magnetic abrasive conglomerates range between 50 – 100 microns.
4. What are the size ranges of the abrasives used in Magnetic abrasive finishing?
a) 0.1 to 1 microns
b) 1 to 10 microns
c) 10 to 100 microns
d) 100 to 1000 microns
Explanation: The size of abrasives used for finishing range between 1 to 10 microns.
5. Which of the following are commonly used magnetic materials in finishing process?
a) Iron and iron oxides
b) Nickel and cobalt
c) Steel and stainless steel
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: All the materials mentioned above, are used as abrasives in Magnetic abrasive finishing process.
6. Which of the following materials combine to form the magnetic abrasive brush in MAF?
a) Work piece
b) Magnetic and abrasive particles
c) Magnets
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: All the materials mentioned above, combine to form the magnetic abrasive brush.
7. In order to achieve uniform circulation of abrasives, the magnetic abrasives are undergone through which of the following?
a) Stirring
b) Oscillation
c) Vibration
d) All of the mentioned
Explanation: To achieve uniform circulation of abrasives, the abrasives are undergone thorough stirring.
8. Magnetic lines of force flows on which part of the work piece material?
a) Through the work piece
b) Over the surface
c) Above the work piece
d) Below the work piece
Explanation: Magnetic lines of force flow through the work piece.
9. What is the limit of the roller speed used in MAF?
a) Up to 0.5 m/s
b) Up to 1.3 m/s
c) Up to 2.6 m/s
d) Up to 3.3 m/s
Explanation: Roller speed used can be up to 1.3 m/s.
10. What is the value of magnetic field intensity used in MAF?
a) 0 – 0.53 Tesla
b) 0.6 – 0.70 Tesla
c) 0.70 – 0.90 Tesla
d) 0.90 – 1.1 Tesla
Explanation: Value of the magnetic field intensity used in MAF range between 0 – 0.53 Tesla.