Microbiology Questions and Answers Part-10

1. In which of the follwing microorganism, conjunction tube was not produced during conjunction process?
a) Thiobaillus thiooxidence
b) T. ferroxidance
c) Tetrahymena thermophila
d) Cryptaporiclium

Answer: a

2. Which of the following is most similar to Rickettsia and Chlamydia?
a) Bdellovibrio
b) Clostridium
c) Mycobacterium
d) Mycoldaima

Answer: c

3. How would you distinguish pseudomonas species from E-cloi?
a) Gram staining
b) Morphology
c) Glucose fermentation Vs Respiration
d) All of the above

Answer: c

4. Which of the following is pathogenic to humans?
a) Spirogyra
b) Cephaleuros
c) Prototheca
d) Both b and c

Answer: c

5. Tumer inducing plasmids are extensively used in production of
a) Avirulent phases
b) Single cell proteins
c) Transgenic plants
d) Nitrogen fixing bacteria

Answer: c

6. The viruses that live as parasites on bac teria are
a) Fungi
b) Commensels
c) Bacteriophages
d) None of these

Answer: c

7. The anthrax disease is most frequently infected from
a) Cattle
b) Sheeps
c) Rats
d) Both a and b

Answer: d

8. The colonies produced by Pseudomonas on Mac Conkey’s medium are
a) Purple colored
b) Pink colored
c) Pale colored
d) Green colored

Answer: c

9. Staining material of gram positive bacterium is
a) Fast green
b) Haematoxylon
c) Crystal violet
d) Safranin

Answer: c

10. The pigment present in red algae is
a) Rhodochrome
b) Fucoxanthin
c) Chlorophyll only
d) Chlorophyll + phycobilin

Answer: d