Microbiology Questions and Answers Part-16

1. Bacillus is an example of
a) Gram positive bacteria
b) Gram negative bacteria
c) Virus
d) Viroid

Answer: a

2. Amoebic dysentery in humans is caused by
a) Plasmodium
b) Paramecium
c) Yeast
d) Entamoeba histolytica

Answer: d

3. Viral genome that can become integrated into bacterial genome is called
a) Prophage
b) Temperate phage
c) Bacteriophage
d) Metaphage

Answer: a

4. Cytochromes are
a) Oxygen acceptors
b) ATP acceptors
c) Electron acceptors
d) Protein acceptors

Answer: c

5. The cells having F plasmid in the chromosomes were termed as
a) Hfr
b) F
c) Hbr
d) C+

Answer: a

6. Recombination process occurring through the mediation of phages is
a) Conjunction
b) Transduction
c) Transformation
d) Transfection

Answer: b

7. Mordant used in grams staining is
a) Crystal violet
b) Iodine
c) Saffranin
d) All of these

Answer: b

8. Parasitic form must contain
a) Capsule
b) Cell-wall
c) Endospores
d) Flagella

Answer: b

9. Gram staining is an example for
a) Simple staining
b) Differential staining
c) Negative staining
d) None of these

Answer: d

10. Following Cocci are non-motile except
a) Staphylococcus
b) Meningococcus
c) Gonococcus
d) Rhodococcus agilis

Answer: a