Microbiology Questions and Answers Part-12

1. The bacterial pili mainly contain
a) Carbohydrates
b) Lipids
c) Proteins
d) Minerals

Answer: c

2. The wonder drug of second world war is produced by
a) Algae
b) Fungi
c) Bacteria
d) Plants

Answer: b

3. Role of bacteria in carbon cycle is
a) Photosynthesis
b) Chemosynthesis
c) Breakdown of organic compounds
d) Assimilation of nitrogen compounds

Answer: c

4. Centromere is that part of chromosome where
a) Nucleoli are formed
b) Crossing over takes places
c) Chromatids are attached
d) Naking occurs

Answer: c

5. Somatic cell of the adult body are haploid in many except
a) Vertebrates
b) Invertebrates
c) Fungi
d) Vascular plants

Answer: c

6. Congential diseases are
a) Diseases present at birth
b) Deficiency disease
c) Occur during life
d) Spread from one individual to another

Answer: a

7. The enzyme needed in biological systems for joining two molecules is called
a) Lyases
b) Diastases
c) Polymerases
d) Hydrolase

Answer: c

8. Meosomes are the part of
a) Plasma membrane
b) ER
c) Lysosomes
d) Golgi

Answer: a

9. All prokaryotes are surrounded by a cell wall except
a) Mycoplasms
b) Sperochetes
c) Actinomycetes
d) Methanogena

Answer: a

10. Enzyme hydrolyzing bacterial cell wall
a) Lysozome
b) Reductase
c) Protease
d) Lysozyme

Answer: d