Computer Architecture Questions and Answers Part-9

1. __________ converts the programs written in assembly language into machine instructions.
a) Machine compiler
b) Interpreter
c) Assembler
d) Converter

Answer: c
Explanation: An assembler is a software used to convert the programs into machine instructions.

2. The instructions like MOV or ADD are called as ______
a) OP-Code
b) Operators
c) Commands
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: This OP – codes tell the system what operation to perform on the operands.

3. The purpose of the ORIGIN directive is __________
a) To indicate the starting position in memory, where the program block is to be stored
b) To indicate the starting of the computation code
c) To indicate the purpose of the code
d) To list the locations of all the registers used

Answer: a
Explanation: This does the function similar to the main statement.

4. Instructions which won’t appear in the object program are called as _____
a) Redundant instructions
b) Exceptions
c) Comments
d) Assembler Directives

Answer: d
Explanation: The directives help the program in getting compiled and hence won’t be there in the object code.

5. The directive used to perform initialization before the execution of the code is ______
a) Reserve
b) Store
c) Dataword
d) EQU

Answer: c
Explanation: Dataword

6. _____ directive is used to specify and assign the memory required for the block of code.
a) Allocate
b) Assign
c) Set
d) Reserve

Answer: d
Explanation: This instruction is used to allocate a block of memory and to store the object code of the program there.

7. _____ directive specifies the end of execution of a program.
a) End
b) Return
c) Stop
d) Terminate

Answer: b
Explanation: This instruction directive is used to terminate the program execution.

8. The last statement of the source program should be _______
a) Stop
b) Return
c) OP
d) End

Answer: d
Explanation: This enables the processor to load some other process.

9. The assembler stores the object code in ______
a) Main memory
b) Cache
c) RAM
d) Magnetic disk

Answer: d
Explanation: After compiling the object code, the assembler stores it in the magnetic disk and waits for further execution.

10. To overcome the problems of the assembler in dealing with branching code we use _____
a) Interpreter
b) Debugger
c) Op-Assembler
d) Two-pass assembler

Answer: d
Explanation: This creates entries into the symbol table first and then creates the object code.