Hazardous Waste Management Questions and Answers Part-2

1. What does the term “exposure” to chemical pollutants from hazardous waste management processes indicate?
a) contact with chemical substances that can potentially cause adverse health effects
b) contamination level
c) spatial distribution of the contaminant
d) affected biota

Answer: a
Explanation: Exposure to a chemical pollutant indicates the contact with a toxin that has the potential to cause health effects, which are modulated by the toxicity of substances, the susceptibility of exposed individuals, and the extent and exposure pattern.

2. The severity of toxic exposure on an individual depends on ________
a) Age and health
b) Genetics
c) Dose and susceptibility
d) Diet

Answer: c
Explanation: Dose represents the major determinant of the extent of toxic action and the susceptibility of an individual is a function of age, genetics, health and exposures to other agents.

3. What is the main objective of exposure assessment?
a) To estimate chemical concentrations
b) To estimate exposure of chemicals by the population at risk
c) To study site history
d) Chemical assessment

Answer: b
Explanation: Major objective of exposure assessment is to estimate the risk caused by the exposure of a chemical contaminant to an individual and ecosystem.

4. What is the first step evaluation in exposure assessment?
a) Models based on generic scenarios and conservative assumptions
b) On-site waste handling techniques
c) Study of pathways
d) Chemical analysis

Answer: a
Explanation: In a first step evaluation, models based on generic scenarios and conservative assumptions can be used to perform a preliminary indirect exposure assessment.

5. What is the second stage of quantitative risk assessment?
a) Hazard identification
b) Exposure assessment
c) Toxicity assessment
d) Risk characterisation

Answer: b
Explanation: Exposure assessment deals with the study of exposure of chemicals to population which may pose a threat

6. Exposure assessment follows hazard characterization.
a) true
b) false

Answer: a
Explanation: To know the rate of exposure on a population a hazard have to be characterized.

7. Estimation of short-term and long term exposure are usually in terms of ________
a) Doses by exposure rate
b) Susceptibility
c) Population
d) Genetics

Answer: a
Explanation: The period of exposure is estimated in terms of doses by calculating the rate of exposure along with exposure pathways

8. Which of the following risk assessment tool is used for the determination of spatial distribution of contaminants at the site?
a) Hazard identification
b) Exposure assessment
c) Toxicity assessment
d) Risk characterisation

Answer: b
Explanation: The first step of exposure assessment is the determination of the sources and the possible pathways.

9. Exposure is a state in which a person can potentially be influenced by a force or situation but not necessarily affected.
a) true
b) false

Answer: b
Explanation: Vulnerability is the state where a person can be influenced by situation but not necessarily affected. Exposure indicates contact with the contaminant.

10. Why does the environmental pathways of chemicals has to be found in exposure assessment?
a) To predict the source of discharge
b) To estimate chemicals
c) Chemical analysis
d) To determine affected biota

Answer: a
Explanation: By determining the environmental pathway of chemicals, the probable source of discharge could be found and severity of the exposure can be minimized.