Antonyms Questions and Answers Part-29

1. Antonym of CAPITULATE
a) conquer
b) venerate
c) destroy
d) surrender

Answer: a

2. Antonym of MAGNIFY
a) induce
b) diminish
c) destroy
d) shrink

Answer: b

3. Antonym of VANQUISH
a) surrender
b) debase
c) destroy
d) ruin

Answer: a

4. Antonym of HUMBLE
a) dominant
b) proud
c) despotic
d) pompous

Answer: b

5. Antonym of EXECRABLE
a) importable
b) acceptable
c) desirable
d) irritable

Answer: c

6. Antonym of APPOINTMENT
a) disappointment
b) suspension
c) dismissal
d) discharge

Answer: c

7. Antonym of BURY
a) examine
b) open
c) disinter
d) dig

Answer: c

8. Antonym of ENGULFED
a) encircled
b) groped
c) disfigured
d) exposed

Answer: d

9. Antonym of VIE
a) guard
b) maintain
c) discover
d) yield

Answer: d

10. Antonym of PERSUASIVE
a) demoralizing
b) false
c) discouraging
d) unconvincing

Answer: d