Antonyms Questions and Answers Part-28

1. Antonym of ANATHEMATISE
a) radiate
b) regulate
c) deceive
d) bless

Answer: d

2. Antonym of INNOCENT
a) sinful
b) guilty
c) deadly
d) corruption

Answer: b

3. Antonym of ENCOURAGE
a) warn
b) discourage
c) dampen
d) disapprove

Answer: b

4. Antonym of NOVEL
a) formal
b) ancient
c) customary
d) traditional

Answer: d

5. Antonym of MALFORMED
a) fetid
b) sketchy
c) curvaceous
d) shapely

Answer: d

6. Antonym of PARSIMONIOUS
a) generous
b) frugal
c) crude
d) stingy

Answer: a

7. Antonym of SCOLD
a) enamour
b) rebuke
c) criticise
d) praise

Answer: d

8. Antonym of CHIDE
a) praise
b) fear
c) criticise
d) flatter

Answer: a

9. Antonym of VENERATE
a) accuse
b) defame
c) criticise
d) abuse

Answer: b

10. Antonym of SLUR
a) promise
b) hope
c) credit
d) virtue

Answer: c