Antonyms Questions and Answers Part-23

1.Antonym of UNCOUTH
a) crude
b) awkward
c) courteous
d) refined

Answer: c

2. Antonym of EFFETE
a) adamant
b) strong
c) courageous
d) bold

Answer: b

3. Antonym of EDIFICATION
a) lamentation
b) annotation
c) corruption
d) segregation

Answer: c

4. Antonym of ESTABLISH
a) disrupt
b) uproot
c) corrade
d) negate

Answer: b

5. Antonym of CONFESS
a) deny
b) sadmit
c) contest
d) contend

Answer: a

6. Antonym of HATE
a) admire
b) abhor
c) concern
d) loathe

Answer: a

7. Antonym of VOLUNTARY
a) ordered
b) alternative
c) compulasory
d) essential

Answer: c

8. Antonym of ONEROUS
a) straight-forward
b) easy
c) complex
d) plain

Answer: b

9. Antonym of VANITY
a) modesty
b) kindness
c) compassion
d) moderation

Answer: a

10. Antonym of CRASS
a) gross
b) refined
c) coarse
d) dense

Answer: b