Ophthalmology Questions and Answers Part-6

1. Schirmer test :
a) The test involves measuring the amount of witting of a special (no.40 what man) filter paper , 5 mm wide and 70 mm long
b) The filter paper removed from the eye after 1 minute
c) Less than 10 mm of wetting after 5 minute , without anesthesia and less than 6 mm with anesthesia is considered abnormal
d) Single schirmer test used as the sole criterion for diagnosing dry eye

Answer: c

2. Conjunctival discharge
a) Watery discharge occurs in acute viral or chronic allergic conjunctivitis
b) Mucoid discharge is typical of acute allergic conjunctivitis and dry eye
c) Mucopurulent discharge typically occurs in acute viral conjunctivitis
d) Severe purulent discharge is typical of gonocococal infection

Answer: d

3. The causes of true conjunctival membrane include all the following except
a) Severe adenoviral conjunctivitis
b) Gonococcal conjunctivitis
c) Ligneous conjunctivitis
d) Chronic Stevens ‐ Johonsan syndrome

Answer: d

4. The most common isolates in Acute bacterial conjunctivitis are (all true except ) :
a) S. pneumonia
b) S. aureus
c) Strep. Cocci
d) H. influenza

Answer: c

5. Incubation period of chlamydia trachoma's is about :
a) 1 week
b) 2 week
c) 5 days
d) 20 days

Answer: a

6. Trachoma is associated principally with infection by serovars (all true except )
a) A
b) B
c) Ba
d) D – K

Answer: d

7. Antibiotics used in management of trachoma include all the following expect
a) A single dose of azithromycin (20mg/kg up to1g )
b) Erythromycin 500mg b.d for 14 days in an alternative forwomen for Child bearing age
c) Doxycycline 100mg b.d for 10 days
d) Topical 1% tetracycline ointment for 6 weeks

Answer: c

8. The percentage of silver nitrate that use as prophylaxis for neonatal conjunctivitisis
a) Silver nitrate 1% solution
b) Silver nitrate 2% solution
c) Silver nitrate 3% solution
d) Silver nitrate 4% solution

Answer: a

9. The presentation of adenoviral conjunctivitis include all the following except :
a) Non – specific ocule follicular conjunctivitis
b) Pharyngoconjunctival fever
c) Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
d) Acute / relapsing adenoviral conjunctivitis

Answer: d

10. Pharnygoconjunctival fever is a caused by adenovirus serovars (all true expect ):
a) 3
b) 4
c) 17
d) 7

Answer: c