Ophthalmology Questions and Answers Part-5

1. Pleomorphic lacrimal gland adenoma:
a) Also called malignant mixed – cell tumor
b) Presentation is in the 1st decade with painful slowly progressive proptosis
c) Treatment involve surgical excision
d) Prognosis is poor even if the excision is complete and without disruption of the capsule

Answer: c

2. Regarding lacrimal gland carcinoma (all true except) :
a) Is a rare tumor which carries a high morbidity and mortality
b) Presentation is in the 4th – 5th decades with a history shorter than that of a benign tumour
c) CT shows a globular lesion with irregular serrated edges , often with contiguous erosion or invasion of bone
d) Biopsy is not necessary to establish the histological diagnosis

Answer: d

3. Optic nerve glioma:
a) Histology shows spindle – shaped pilocytic astrocytes and glial filaments
b) Presentation is most frequently in the 2nd decade( median age 14 years )
c) Proptosis often axial
d) MR may be not useful in showing intracranial extension

Answer: a

4. Optic nerve sheath meningioma :
a) Presentation is with sudden unilateral visual impairment
b) The classical triad is visual loss , optic atrophy and opticociliary shunt vessels
c) CT shows fusiform enlargement of optic nerve
d) Prognosis for life is very poor in adults

Answer: b

5. Enculation ( removal of the globe) is indicated in the following circumstances ( all true except ):
a) Primary intraocular malignancies
b) After sever trauma
c) Blind painful or unsightly eyes
d) Orbital mucormycosis

Answer: d

6. Crouzon syndrome :
a) Inheritance is usually AR
b) The gene (F G F R 2) has been isolated to chromosome 10
c) Proptosis due to shallow obits is rare conspicuous feature
d) Cataract and glaucoma not associated with it

Answer: b

7. Apert syndrome (all true except ) :
a) Inheritance is AD
b) Also called acrocephalosyndactyly
c) Is the most severe of the craniosynostose and may involve all the cranial sutures
d) Ocular associations include blue sclera , coloboma and megalo cornea

Answer: d

8. The causes of meibomian gland dysfunction include all the following expect :
a) Anterior blepharitis
b) Rosacea
c) Atopic kertaconjunctivitis
d) Congenital meibomian gland absence

Answer: a

9. The Causes of lagophthalmos include all thefollowing except :
a) Severeproptosis
b) 3rd nerve palsy
c) Eyelid scarring
d) Following blepharoplasty

Answer: b

10. Sjogren syndrome :
a) Characterized by infection of lacrimal and salivary glands
b) Primary Sjogren syndrome affects males more commonly than females
c) Presentation is in adult life with qrittiness of the eyes and dryness of mouth
d) Diagnostic tests include schirmer test and biopsy of lacrimal gland

Answer: c