Ophthalmology Questions and Answers Part-2

1. The clinical types of sebaceous gland carcinoma include all of the following except:
a) Nodular SGC
b) Spreading SGC
c) Sclerosing SGC
d) Pagetoid spread

Answer: c

2. Radiotherapy in the treatment of malignant eyelid tumors is contraindicated in all the following except:
a) Medial canthalBCC
b) Upper eyelid tumors
c) Aggressive tumors such as sclerosing BCC ,SCC and SGC
d) Kaposi sarcoma

Answer: d

3. The causes of acquired trichomegaly include all of the following except:
a) Malnutrition
c) Hyperthyroidism
d) Familial

Answer: c

4. which one of the following is not ocular cause of polliosis:
a) Chronic anteriorblepharitis
b) Sympathetic ophtlalmitis
c) Idiopathic uveitis
d) Vitiligo

Answer: d

5. Chronic blepharitisis not associated with:
a) Tear film instability
b) Chalazion formation
c) Viral keratitis
d) Contac lens intolerance

Answer: c

6. The classification of ptosis include all of the following except :
a) Neurogenic
b) Myogenic
c) Aponeurotic
d) Pesudoptosis

Answer: d

7. The age related changes that contribute toinvolutionalectropioninclude all of the following except:
a) Vertical lid laxity
b) Lateral canthal tendon laxity
c) Medial canthal tendon laxity
d) Disinsertion of lower lid retractors

Answer: a

8. Which treatment modality is not considered in the treatment of over – riding in involutionalentropion :
a) Transvers everting sutures
b) Wies procedure
c) Lateral canthal sling or a full–thickness wedge excision
d) Jones procedure

Answer: c

9. The causes of lid retraction include all of the following except:
a) Myogenic
b) Neurogenic
c) Mechanical
d) Congenital

Answer: a

10. Regarding bleplarochalasis:
a) Conman condition
b) Characterized by recurrent episodes of painful , non – pitting oedema of both upper lids
c) Usually resolves spontaneouslyafter few months
d) Treatment involves blepharoplasty for redundant upper lid skin and correction of ptosis

Answer: d