Criminology and Penology Questions and Answers Part-2

1. Who among the following applied positivist approach in analyzing crimes?
a) Merton
b) Sakov
c) Lombroso
d) Becker

Answer: c

2. According to Lombroso criminals are not born criminals but they are………?
a) Criminaloids
b) Very innocent
c) Situational criminals
d) Hackers

Answer: c

3. Who put forward Psycho-Analytical Theory of Crime?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Alfred Adler
c) Karen Horney
d) William Wyndt

Answer: a

4. Which theory emphazises on the physiology of the criminals?
a) Theory of evolutionary atavism
b) Psycho-analytic theory
c) Anomic Theory
d) Labelling theory

Answer: a

5. National Crime Records Bureau of India was founded in the year
a) 1982
b) 1986
c) 1950
d) 1996

Answer: b

6. The headquarters of National Crime records bureau is located in …………
a) Mumbai
b) Bangalore
c) Poona
d) New Delhi

Answer: d

7. According to Differential Association Theory ………… leads to crimes
a) Social interactions
b) Psychological exchanges
c) Social conflicts
d) Social changes

Answer: a

8. Rule of Criminal Responsibility was framed by -----
a) M’Naghten
b) Sutherland
c) Lombroso
d) None of the above

Answer: a

9. Embezzlement belongs to which category of crime?
a) Crime against property
b) Cyber crime
c) Crime against humanity
d) Crime against women

Answer: a

10. Among the following who led the Italian school of positivist criminology?
a) Becker
b) Merton
c) Lombroso
d) Adler

Answer: c