Criminology and Penology Questions and Answers Part-1

1. A scientific study of the nature, extent, causes and control of criminal behavior is called as ________
a) Criminology
b) Indian Penal Code
c) Penology
d) None of the above

Answer: a

2. The term “Criminology” is derived from the combination of two Latin words _________
a) Criminal and Science
b) Crimen and logia
c) Crime and logistics
d) None of the above

Answer: b

3. A study of the personality of the offenders in physical terms is called as ---------
a) Criminal Sociology
b) Penology
c) Criminal Anthropology
d) All the above

Answer: c

4. ----------- concerns with the various aspects of punishment and penal policies.
a) Criminal Psychology
b) Criminal Sociology
c) Criminal Anthropology
d) Penology

Answer: d

5. The person who commits a crime is known as ………
a) Gambler
b) Criminal
c) Prisoner
d) Accused

Answer: b

6. Who defined crime as the intentional Act in violation of the criminal law committed without any defense or excuse and penalized by the state
a) Paul Tappan
b) Lombroso
c) Edwin Sutherland
d) Howard Becker

Answer: a

7. Differential Association Theory of Crime was developed by
a) George Ritzer
b) Howard Becker
c) Edwin Sutherland
d) Lombroso

Answer: c

8. Who coined the term Criminology?
a) Raffaele Garofalo
b) Beccaria
c) Lombroso
d) Becker

Answer: a

9. Who is considered as the father of Criminology?
a) Adler
b) Sutherland
c) Lombroso
d) Becker

Answer: c

10. Halocaust is considered as ………
a) Crime against Humanity
b) International crime
c) Crime against property
d) Cyber crime

Answer: a