Indian History Questions and Answers Part-10

1. The Svetambara Jains were
a) clad in white
b) clad in black
c) clad in red
d) saffron clad

Answer: a

2. The Buddha
a) rejected the theory of Karma
b) was non-committal on the theory of Karma
c) believed in the theory of Karma
d) suggested an alternative to the theory of Karma

Answer: c

3. The Buddhist Doctrines were written in
a) Sanskrit
b) Pali
c) Tibetan
d) Not written in any language but orally transmitted

Answer: b

4. The first Buddhist Council was held at
a) Lumbini
b) Kapilavastu
c) Rajagriha
d) Avanti

Answer: c

5. Ashoka was much influenced by Buddhist monk called
a) Upagupta
b) Vasubandhu
c) Ambhi
d) Asvagosha

Answer: a

6. Megasthanes visited India during the period of
a) Chandragupta II
b) Ashoka
c) Chandragupta Maurya
d) Harsha

Answer: c

7. Megasthanes was the Ambassador of
a) Selukos Nikator
b) Alexander
c) Darius
d) The Persians

Answer: a

8. “The Indica" was written by
a) Kautilya
b) Patanjali
c) Megasthanes
d) Panini

Answer: c

9. Mauryan Dynasty was founded by
a) Ashoka
b) Chandragupta Maurya
c) Pushyamitra
d) Ajatasatru

Answer: b

10. The main occupation of the Aryans was
a) Weaving
b) Agriculture
c) Trade
d) Seafaring

Answer: b