Logical Deduction Questions and Answers Part-1

Directions to solve : Each question has a main statement, followed by four statements labelled A, B, C, and D. Choose the ordered pair of statements, where the first statement implies the second, and the two statements are logically consistent with the main statement.

1. One gets a chocolate every time one visits the restaurant.
(A) I got a chocolate.
(B) I didn’t get a chocolate.
(C) I didn’t visit the restaurant.
(D) I visited the restaurant.
a) AC
b) BD
c) DA
d) None of these

Answer: c

2. Whenever I get a flower, I feel loved.
(A) I got a flower.
(B) I felt loved.
(C) I didn’t get a flower.
(D) I didn’t feel loved.
a) BA
b) BC
c) CD
d) DC

Answer: d

3. I wear a cap every time I play.
(A) I played.
(B) I didn’t play.
(C) I wore a cap.
(D) I didn’t wear a cap.
a) BD
b) CA
c) DB
d) AD

Answer: c

4. I feel happy every time I see an innovation.
(A) I didn’t see an innovation.
(B) I saw an innovation.
(C) I felt happy.
(D) I didn’t feel happy.
a) BC
b) AD
c) CB
d) CD

Answer: a

5. If you once visit the USA, you become addicted to its openness.
(A) I visited the USA.
(B) I didn’t get addicted to the USA’s openness.
(C) I got addicted to the USA’s openness.
(D) I didn’t visit the USA.
a) BD
b) DB
c) CA
d) AB

Answer: a

6. Whenever the villain makes an entry, the viewers boo.
(A) The villain made an entry.
(B) The viewers didn’t boo.
(C) The villain didn’t make an entry.
(D) The viewers booed.
a) BC
b) CB
c) DA
d) None of these

Answer: a

7. I get cold feet whenever I see an examination paper.
(A) I saw an examination paper.
(B) I didn’t see an examination paper.
(C) I got cold feet.
(D) I didn’t get cold feet
a) CA
b) BD
c) DB
d) BC

Answer: c

8. I remember her every time I see her photograph.
(A) I remembered her
(B) I saw her photograph
(C) I didn’t see her photograph.
(D) I didn’t remember her.
a) CD
b) DC
c) AB
d) None of these

Answer: b

9. Whenever Devdas comes, Paro sings.
(A) Paro is singing.
(B) Devdas has come.
(C) Devdas hasn’t come.
(D) Paro is not singing.
a) AB
b) BA
c) BC
d) CD

Answer: b

10. Every player will become a champ.
(A) Rajesh is a player.
(B) Rajesh will become a champ.
(C) Rajesh is not a player.
(D) Rajesh will not become a champ.
a) AD
b) DA
c) CD
d) DC

Answer: d