Operating System Questions and Answers Part-6

1. The category of software most appropriate for controlling the design and layout of complex document like newsletters and brochure is:
a) Word processing
b) Computer aided design
c) Web page authoring
d) Desktop publishing

Answer: a

2. Which one is not a system tool?
a) Backup
b) Disk defragment
c) Virus scanning
d) All of the above

Answer: c

3. The memory which allocates space for DOS and application is called
a) Expanded memory
b) Cache memory
c) Virtual memory
d) Conventional memory

Answer: d

4. The operating system creates .... from the physical computer
a) Virtual space
b) Virtual computer
c) Virtual device
d) None

Answer: b

5. Which components appear in the initial windows start up display?
a) Dialog box
b) Task bar
c) Start menu
d) All of the above

Answer: b

6. Which menu bar selection would you access to open file?
a) Option
b) Help
c) View
d) None of above

Answer: d

7. Which mode loads minimal set of drivers when starting Windows?
a) Safe Mode
b) Normal Mode
c) VGA Mode
d) Network Support Mode

Answer: a

8. Which of the following are loaded in safe mode?
a) Keyboard driver
b) Mouse driver
c) VGA drive
d) All of above

Answer: d

9. A .... is a named location on a disk where files are stored
a) Folder
b) Pod
c) Version
d) None of the above

Answer: a

10. Which command is used to see the version of operating system?
a) Vol
b) Version
c) Ver
d) None of the above

Answer: c