Operating System Questions and Answers Part-17

1. An I/O bound program will typically have ___________
a) a few very short CPU bursts
b) many very short I/O bursts
c) many very short CPU bursts
d) a few very short I/O bursts

Answer: c
Explanation: An I/O bound program will typically have many very short CPU bursts

2. A process is selected from the ______ queue by the ________ scheduler, to be executed.
a) blocked, short term
b) wait, long term
c) ready, short term
d) ready, long term

Answer: c
Explanation: A process is selected from the ready queue by the short term scheduler, to be executed

3. In the following cases non – preemptive scheduling occurs?
a) When a process switches from the running state to the ready state
b) When a process goes from the running state to the waiting state
c) When a process switches from the waiting state to the ready state
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: There is no other choice.

4. The switching of the CPU from one process or thread to another is called ____________
a) process switch
b) task switch
c) context switch
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: all of the mentioned

5. What is Dispatch latency?
a) the speed of dispatching a process from running to the ready state
b) the time of dispatching a process from running to ready state and keeping the CPU idle
c) the time to stop one process and start running another one
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: The time to stop one process and start running another one

6. Scheduling is done so as to ____________
a) increase CPU utilization
b) decrease CPU utilization
c) keep the CPU more idle
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Scheduling is done so as to increase CPU utilization

7. Scheduling is done so as to ____________
a) increase the throughput
b) decrease the throughput
c) increase the duration of a specific amount of work
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Scheduling is done so as to increase the throughput

8. What is Turnaround time?
a) the total waiting time for a process to finish execution
b) the total time spent in the ready queue
c) the total time spent in the running queue
d) the total time from the completion till the submission of a process

Answer: d
Explanation: The total time from the completion till the submission of a process

9. Scheduling is done so as to ____________
a) increase the turnaround time
b) decrease the turnaround time
c) keep the turnaround time same
d) there is no relation between scheduling and turnaround time

Answer: b
Explanation: Scheduling is done so as to decrease the turnaround time

10. What is Waiting time?
a) the total time in the blocked and waiting queues
b) the total time spent in the ready queue
c) the total time spent in the running queue
d) the total time from the completion till the submission of a process

Answer: b
Explanation: The total time spent in the ready queue